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20 Things I've Learned In My 20s

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAToday is my 29th birthday, the last year of my 20s is upon my and to mark the occasion I thought I'd share a few things I've learned in that (almost) decade..

1. Life is too short. If you're in a situation you don't want to be in, get out! It's never as difficult as you think it will be to start over and years down the line you'll be so glad you did.

2. Your hair would look better if you let a professional look at it every once in a while.. something I know to be true but I often ignore

3. Know your limits! That applies to almost everything but in this case I'm talking about alcohol, no wild night of partying is worth feeling like death the following day and you don't need it to have fun!

4. You look the way you look, you can only strive to be the best version of yourself, you can't REALISTICALLY strive to look like Miranda Kerr in a bikini.. unless of course you ARE Miranda Kerr

5. Comfort over fashion - I love dressing up but if I'm really going to have a good night I'll be wearing my jeans and converse not my uber heels and a dress I can't breathe in.

6. Don't be afraid of failure? Better to try and fail than never try at all.

7. There's set no timeline for life, I did some things 'early', some 'late' and others not at all. Everyone is different and nobody needs to worry that they haven't accomplished a certain life goal by a particular age.

8. The mean kids from school grow up and go to work.. you will encounter them wherever you go so you'd better figure out how to deal with them!

9. You have more control over your mood than anyone else, you can choose to snap out of that funk or wallow in it.

10. You can't please everyone and that's okay, not everyone has to like you or agree with you.

11. Do more of what makes you happy. If you can't make it your day job then make it your hobby and if you enjoy it don't let anyone tell you it's not worth doing

12. Even the happiest people can be sad sometimes, it's okay

13. Friendships take as much work as romantic relationships, neglect them and they wont last

14. You really don't need all that much makeup. Put the eyeliner down.

15. It's nice to be nice, even if you don't really feel like it. You could turn someones bad day around with a random act of kindness

16. Stress is the most pointless emotion. Whether it be about money or traffic worrying about a situation wont change it, it will only make you more anxious. Stress is toxic!

17. If you don't know what you want to do with your life yet, that's okay. Nobody really knows what they're doing. People train for jobs they end up hating, others fall in to jobs they love by chance.. it's tough to plan your life so if you don't have a plan maybe you don't need one.

18. Learn to accept a compliment.

19. I don't think I'll ever really feel like a grown up, which is bizarre because in another 10 years I'll be the parent of a legal adult.

20. Resting bitch face might keep the wrinkles at bay but smiling makes you happy

Miss BB