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Barry M Cotton

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASince my favourite Seche Vite Porcelain nail polish smashed months ago I've been on the hunt for a lower cost replacement. I've tried various whites and regardless of cost they can be very hit and miss, I love Essie Blanc for example but it's streaky, thin and takes 3 if not 4 coats to get an opaque finish. On top of that some of the nicest formulas to apply then crackle and look awful a couple of days in.. I don't know what it is about white but it seems to be very tricky to get right. So given my recent obsession with the Barry M Gelly nail paints you can imagine how excited I was when several of my readers tweeted me pictures of a new WHITE launch from the range!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt arrived this morning and I only just applied it so I can't give you a full review but application wise it's definitely comparable to the seche vite, thick and glossy but still needs a top coat. Relatively fast drying as these glossier polishes go and only £3.99 - plus there's almost always an offer on Barry M! I picked up a few new shades from their new pastel launch so expect a post on those along with a follow up on the wear time of this one very soon however I'm still yet to pick up their new 'Plumpy' top coat, have any of you given it a go yet? I'm loyal to my super thick Seche Vite for the ultimate gel nail shine but if I could replace it with a £2.99 equivalent I'll be all over it!

Available online here

Miss BB