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Essence Sun Club

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMore from Essence today and here's a product that gives me a little makeup nostalgia. Does anyone remember when I used rave about that Bronzer/Blush from Miners? I still have one somewhere and you can still buy it online here (super inexpensive brand if you're looking for something new) well long story short this reminds me a lot of it. It's part bronzer, part highlight and swirled together it gives a subtle colour and sheen that's perfect for paler skins.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAYou could pick out the colours and use them seperately if you wish but I don't think that's really the way it was intended to be used. It's slightly more powdery and not as finely milled as the Miners equivalent but still very nice and easier to get hold of on the highstreet. The packaging is very plasticky but it's chunky and substantial, its cheap but it doesn't feel it. If you're interested in the lip colour I'm wearing you can find out more about it in the post.

Available online here

Miss BB