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Face Mask Friday - LUSH Cupcake

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASo it had been a few months since my last big LUSH haul and I'd finally collected enough empties (5) to take back and get a free mask so armed with my excuse I went on a bit of a spree (more posts to follow) and I thought I'd kick us off with a review of that gateway product. I have a love hate relationship with LUSH face masks.. they're great in that they usually work well and they're a bit different than your average BUT most of them need to be kept in the fridge (not all, I know.. but most) which means they do go off quicker than your average. That's annoying but so long as I remember to use that one up ahead of others I'm usually fine, my biggest bug bear is that they don't stick to my face that well. Again this is not a one size fits all thing, some are better than others and this does fall off immediately like others I've tried - catastrophe cosmetic, I'm looking at you! BUT it dries super fast and flakes and crumbles after about 5 minutes so unless you're wearing it in the bath tub that means chocolatey looking bits all over me and don't even THINK of eating or drinking while wearing it!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPeople RAVE about LUSH masks so I often feel like I'm the only one that finds any fault but I guess that's because I'm not looking to them for good ingredients and ethical choices.. I'm comparing their products with every other chemical loaded mask which is probably not fair. Cupcake is aimed at teenage, oily, spot prone skin and claims to mattify and combat all of that but I used it when I had one blemish and it didn't seem to have much effect.. this may be because I couldn't leave it on for that long as I was peppered in chocolate-like crumbs and wanted to drink my tea without getting them in it but I was a little underwhelmed. I'm going to try it again a few times before giving my final verdict (watch out for my monthly Empties videos for this) but I think this is one of those masks I will need to lay down and relax while wearing to see any real benefit. If you're a face mask while doing the housework kinda gal (I say housework but you know I mean online shopping and Netflix - Are you watching Grace & Frankie? You should be, it's excellent!) then I don't think this will be for you. In the past I've mixed in other masks or creams to get a stickier texture and avoid the flakiness but then you're messing with the formula and never really know what's having an impact, do you? Long ramble today I know.. usually my mask reviews are pretty snappy but I'd really like to know that I'm not the only one that feels this way about these masks.. so.. am I?

Also.. let's be honest.. it doesn't look like chocolate..

Miss BB