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Fresh Brown Sugar

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADo you know what we are REALLY lacking in the beauty halls? ROLLER BALL PERFUMES! Why do we not have them? I don't get it!! I remember getting one of my all time favourite perfume as a teen, Hugo Boss Deep Red and it being such a big deal. I think that until last year that may have been the only one I'd ever had but they're so darn convenient I just can't fathom why they're not more readily available. One of my favourite aisles of Sephora has near every available fragrance in roller ball form and you'd best believe I'll be picking up some more when we're in the states in March. They're great to keep in your handbag and of course for travel but more than that it's the best way to try a new scent without shelling out for a full size bottle.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALast year I picked one up in Brown Sugar from Fresh, I'd heard so many great reviews of the fragrance and the brand in general but didn't want to buy it and hate it so the smaller size made sense. Before the end of the trip I'd fallen in love and was tempted to buy a bottle but decided I had enough to work my way through. Sure enough I regretted that as soon as we landed home in the UK so when my friend Laura was in Vegas in October I got her to pick me one up. It's everything the name suggests, fresh and sugary with a hint of citrus that I can't quite put my finger on. It's not for everyone (which is mad to me 'cause I can't get enough of it) but it's not an offensive scent or particularly strong, I also don't think it really has an 'age'. You know how some fragrances (Chanel No5 for example) just smell, let's say more 'classic' and something sweet and fruity (most celebrity endorsed offerings) feel younger.. this doesn't really have that for me. It's timeless because it's so light and fresh it's almost neutral but if you prefer more masculine, musky scents this is probably not for you. It lasts pretty well on me so I don't feel the need to touch up throughout the day but if I did.. boy wouldn't it be handy to be able to run out to Boots and replace my roller ball when it runs out?

I actually did find a seller on Amazon selling both the roller ball and the bottle (only the 100ml though) for a pretty good price - link to seller - if you're interested but I'm told there are a couple of Fresh stores in London if you're ever in the area if you'd rather buy in person or just want a sniff!

Miss BB