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I'm Going Blonde - BECAUSE I CAN!

Those of you who have followed me for a long time will remember my hair damage diaries. You might even remember my many misadventures with at home dyes and bleach kits. Those of you who felt my pain deeply may be inclined to scream at whatever device you are reading this on and ask 'WHHYYY??' - and I get it.

We went through something together. It was truly a shared experience, that is the nature (or at least it was back then) f the youtube connection. You were right there with me when I had to cut my own hair after turning it in to chewing gum and when (years later) my hairdresser overlapped my bleach one too many times and gave me a rather stylish mullet.

Those were some real tough self esteem years, I'll be honest. I was aways chasing something new and fun and constantly ruining what was already fine. It must have been frustrating to watch ..and now I'm doing it again.


Well.. It's been 5 years since I was blonde, that's the longest I've gone with my (almost entirely) natural colour since I was 11. I really like my hair now, it's a much nicer colour than I ever thought it was underneath it all and the small amount of balayage I have gives the perfect sunkissed dimension. It's practically the supermodel hair of my dreams.. but I am BORED!

If you have had the same haircut for 10 years happily then you just will not understand this. If you placed your furniture when you moved in to your house and never considered rearranging it, YOU WILL NOT UNDERSTAND THIS. I crave change and lockdown has pushed me right over the edge in terms of feeling stuck ..my hair is the only thing I have actual control of right now!

so I'm going blonde. A low maintenance blonde, a softer, warmer blonde than I've been in the past.. but blonde. I was considering a big chop because I suddenly have dry, split ends (why has lockdown made everything inexplicably worse?!) and it's tangly and breaking because I have it up all of the time. I thought, if I'm going to cut it, why not play with the length first? So here we are.. I'm going to play and worst case scenario and I'll chop off a few inches and start over.

I trust my hairdresser (I'm taking Ella for her first proper colour experience for her birthday at the same time - how I have a 15 year old I will never understand because I am only 26) and I am excited for a refresh. I need a lift (in more ways than one) and so I'm going blonde.. because I can!

How many of you have booked in for a big change now salons have reopened?