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Kat Von D Everlasting Lipstick / Backstage Bambi

Kat Von D Liquid Lipstick Backstage BambiI didn't have much on my beauty wishlist for our recent visit to the states but  I knew I HAD to get one of these. Liquid lipsticks have made a huge comeback recently and these have been widely heralded as some of the best. They come in loads of colours, half of them are some variation of a nude (literally something for everyone) however most of what I wanted was out of stock so I ended up with a totally over the top neon hot pink.. standard.

Kat Von D Liquid Lipstick Backstage BambiKat Von D Liquid Lipstick Backstage BambiCrazy as it is I've worn it a few times already and love the formula, dry but not drying, long lasting, doesn't bleed, just excellent really. Of course it wears away from the inside out and left long enough while eating and drinking you WILL be left with an ugly lip line but so long as you're topping up every 3 hours or so I think you're pretty safe. My main (and only) irk with this product is the packaging, it has a comically long applicator that makes application awkward, it kind of feels like you're applying lipstick with a selfie stick. It gets easier with practice but given that it's totally unecessary design feature I'd rather the wand just be shorter.. if that's cool, Kat?

There have been rumblings about Kat Von D FINALLY coming to the UK and I am keeping everything crossed for that one having also fallen in love with the Tattoo Liner but for now you can order with FAIRLY reasonable shipping and upfront customs fees from Sephora.