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No Buy-Athalon

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJanuary is a time most of us have to tighten our purse strings. After an extravagant December of gift giving and food shopping it seems like a long stretch til payday, doesn't it? My only resolution this year is to think twice about my spending and better manage my money so I thought a 'no buy' would be a great way to kick start that. I have my eye on one special purchase I'd like to make at the end of next month so I have a goal but the main purpose is to show myself how much money I could save if I didn't fritter it away at Costa. It's not the money I spend on high ticket items that I miss it's the £20 here and £10 there that I don't even think about but at the end of the month totals more than I care to share. i did my sales shopping (and was remarkably restrained, though I do say so myself) on boxing day and will be avoiding all online sales as that's where it's easy to get carried away. In a store you carry the item around while you shop, you might even try it on.. there are so many hurdles, even the queue itself, online it's a few clicks away from being yours and that's a dangerous tool in the wrong (read: MY) hands. No non essential shopping for me this month and I hope some of you will join me in this challenge. It's the month we feel the least flush but the offers are often too hard to resist so we end up spending more than we would on a GOOD month.

I always enjoy 'shop my stash' posts from others so I will be sharing a weekly selection of products and a 'face of the week' with you all from Sunday as well as some brilliant budget beauty products I've been trialling recently. I might even throw in some DIY beauty fixes for those of you REALLY looking to pinch the pennies but if there's anything special you'd like me to cover just let me know. It's going to be an interesting month for this spendaholic but hopefully it will inspire some new ideas and fresh content for you guys.

Who's with me?

Miss BB