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Revolution Rose Glow

Makeup Revolution Strobe Lighting PaletteLooks like my beloved Revolution Radiance Palette has a rosy new friend! I have loved the original since it launched, in fact I received the Hourglass Ambient Lighting palette as a gift and STILL I preferred the Revolution one so when this arrived I was excited. It's not quite the same thing, however. Whereas the Radiant palette has an all over face powder (a subtle sheen), a brighter highlight and a warmer 'bronze' colour this is all highlight. I like the idea but once I started using it I realised, it really doesn't compare.Makeup Revolution Strobe Lighting PaletteThe left is almost (maybe completely, I can't tell) matte, the middle is slightly sparkly and golden in tone and the right is a pinkier 'champagne' shade that's the most traditional 'highlight' of the bunch with a frostier finish but still not TOO much in the way of glitter. I prefer the third one but honestly? I'm not going to pull out a big palette for one shade. I thought I would love this since I'm such a fan of a subtle glow and I so loved the Radiance version but I'm afraid Rose Glow is a bit of a dud for me. 👎WHILE YOU'RE HERE..How are those of you who've seen the hoopla on social media feeling about the brand right now? I've seen so much negativity surrounding the dupes they create and their 'copy-cat' product lines - even Kat Von D herself took to instagram to show her irritation, how do you feel about their low cost alternatives? I personally think they take it too far with the packaging from time to time but have no ethical issue with offering cheaper options for those who feel pressured to have the latest £50 palette and as a long time budget beauty blogger I know they were answering a call when they built their brand on dupes but I'd be interested to hear what you guys think..