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I haven’t been feeling myself lately. It’s hard to pinpoint since when but at least 3 months that I can track. I’ve found lots of productive distractions and put a 2022 plan in place that I thought would help reignite something and keep me inspired month to month.. but it’s just.. not there.

I was talking to a friend about this yesterday and she has been feeling the same way. She suggested that perhaps Seasonal Affective Disorder had finally got us.

I am usually full of energy for the Christmas season so chalked it up to the strange times we are in as to why I couldn’t find joy in the last one. I’ve attributed MOST of my periods of low mood to the pandemic over the past 2 years but I wonder, had I tracked them if another pattern would emerge.

I spend more time than ever indoors and when I do leave the house it’s usually to for an icy school run. I haven’t been getting out and walking (as I pledged at New Year) or starting to prepare the garden for spring. I know it’s cold and there’s good reason but perhaps some self prescribed outdoors time is now essential for me.

Last summer I started walking because I was at a low ebb and (much as I hate to admit it) everyone was right, getting outside and walking really did improve my mood. Weight loss wasn’t a goal but it was a welcome side effect and I also found myself enjoying it for the *shudders* exercise benefits.

Being outside DID help me then so I’m going to try and let it do it’s magic again.

Everything feels dull, I’m struggling to find excitement in anything and I wanted to share this because I was starting to worry until I opened up to a friend who said she was feeling the same way.

Maybe you’re feeling that same lul in energy or spike in anxious thoughts. Hopefully it passes but know you aren’t alone in it. And if you have found a solution (or at least some light relief) to your own winter SADness, let us know!