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Scamp & Dude

SCAMP AND DUDE ADULT SWEATSHIRTSo I have been insta-stalking this home grown brand for months, thinking maybe Milo would enjoy the concept of the range when they started stocking adult sizes!! In a nutshell, the creative mind behind Scamp & Dude (Jo Tutchener-Sharp) was unexpectedly hospitalised and wished there was something to provide comfort for her two small children in her absence. The entire line is 'Super Hero Infused' and every item has a lightening bolt 'Super Power Button' on the arm and a menu of powers to choose from. I love the story behind the brand - which you can ready more of here - but as a mum of a super hero -obsessed boy I know he would completely buy in to the make believe element and it would absolutely provide me with comfort if I were using the item to make him feel more secure when I'm not around.


SCAMP AND DUDE ADULT SWEATSHIRTSCAMP AND DUDE ADULT SWEATSHIRTSCAMP AND DUDE ADULT SWEATSHIRTWhen I picked Milo up from school wearing my new sweatshirt he was immediately curious and has since chosen this raglan tshirt from the website for himself.. although I think a matching sweatshirt may also be in his future.Once I'd decided to bite the bullet and place my order (I was sitting in the car after dropping the kids off) it was an easy choice as to which I wanted (coral is totally my colour or the moment) but I anticipated a lengthy wait for it so I thought little of shipping times and drove home. Shortly after arriving home the following morning, it was in my hands. The service was amazing, which is why I felt so compelled to post some photos asap and why I will absolutely be placing another order. I love the idea (I think I've hgot that across) but when a small brand has such speedy service on top of a great story and items you love, you can't not spread that word. So whether you have kids who would benefit (or just really enjoy) some super hero clothing or you just want to feel a bit less like a slob in super comfy clothes (that's my box) I'd recommend you check out Scamp & Dude!