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The New Elf On The Shelf

img_1362So you're all bored to tears by the regurgitated Elf On The Shelf posts popping up on Facebook and instagram this week, right? You may have taken a moment before you clicked on this post to decide whether you really needed to see any more of the little guy, well be glad you took the blue pill 'cause this is entirely new. Assuming you're familiar with LUSH's 'FUN' playdough style soap for the kids, they have revamped it for Christmas in a few different combinations.. one of which is ELF ON THE SHELF


So much more fun than regular playdough since you can take it in the bathtub with you and use it as soap.. also does the job of getting their hands super clean when they come to rinse the residue away after playtime. So much more fun that regular soap since it's in the shape of your little dough model.. with the festive benefit of Christmas colours!!

img_1401One thing we did learn (the hard way) is that these little dough creatures won't last long left on the side after making them.. Milo wanted to keep his rather than use him in the bath and when he came to look for him the next day he was a pile of goo.. messy and not fun to clean up so they are definitely more for the bath than the kitchen table but Oh what FUN we had ;)

A bundle of FUN is available for £5.95 in various colours