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Weekly Wind Down 2.1

Apologies for the late delivery this week but I was out for my birthday last night and I am a little worse for wear. I'm trying to be a little more mindful of 'portion control' where alcohol is involved and thankfully I was mostly tired today but honestly, but I could definitely do better.If you read my post about my almost dry January then you will know it was a challenge to go cold turkey last month but I'm trying something different for February and keeping my tipples til the end of the week. I will almost certainly break that on day 1 since it's Monday tomorrow but also my birthday but y'know.. general effort will be made. I'll report back.On the subject of drinking, I nearly drowned this week. I have a persistent throat clearing habit as a result of residual catarrh from the non-flu I had in the New Year. I was trying to be considerate of my colleagues and keep it to a minimum at my desk by drinking water.. constantly. This wasn't actually a fix and by 3 I was feeling ropey. A little nauseous and more lethargic than usually with the distant threat of a headache. A mix of instinct and Web MD told me I'd over-hydrated myself and that this was a thing. Consider this your PSA.Another unexpected thing this week was the delivery of my book! I hadn't been tipped off that the book had been printed, let alone that 30 of them were on their way to me so imagine my delight when I read my publishers name on the unexpected parcel. That day was a serious highlight of my life. I hadn't 100% completely believed it would happen until I held the book in my hands and now I have a stack of them in my eye line and 8 en route to some of the people who helped me put in together.I'm both terrified and incredibly excited for the response when it's officially available. It's one of (if not the) most surreal events, to have something I typed (on a keyboard with no backspace) and a cover I designed (on free online software) be bound and sold to the public. I have a funny unease about self-promotion and am desperate to tell everyone and (effectively) show it off but doing so makes me feel all kinds of uncomfortable so the next month is going to be a wild one.PS. If you haven't yet pre-ordered, what are you waiting for?That's it for this week.. I'm going to have a huge slab of leftover lasagne and get an early night. I may be turning 33 tomorrow but I'd like to look 32.