Weekly Wind Down 3.5 / Mother's Day Shmother's Day

Happy Mother's Day, one and all! I saw lots of very sensitive posts this morning, tiptoeing around the celebration so as not to offend. I have friends without children who would like them and friends without mothers (whether they're living or not) who wish they had one. I absolutely understand that the day is rough for many but if you can revel in the festivities today, I hope you do! (or did - it's late afternoon as I write this)I had a less than perfect day. My children drove me crazy and we made no plans since yesterday was pretty full on. I'm skirting around self pity right now and feeling a bit blah about the whole thing. I find it really tricky to make a big deal of things that are supposed to be about me and so birthdays etc tend to be a bit of a let down because nobody knows how I'd like to celebrate them. If you ask if I want something the answer will always be no because I just can't with the awkwardness of saying yes! ..and so I really can't be too irked - plus, y'know.. I have kids and a mother so that's my joy, isn't it?I also just realised that I took a bath and forgot to wash my hair, ugh! Is that not the worst? I'm definitely in a funk today.This was probably all brought on by my mood at bedtime. We spent a very long day out of the house yesterday, kicking off with an early morning Disney On Ice show (if you're considering it - don't go to the AM one, there are 350% more crying babies than at night) followed by unsuccessfully wandering around Leeds looking for a table for lunch (we didn't realise the football was on - nightmare!) before giving up and driving to our local Frankie & Benny's.After reading about the Pipdig 'scandal' (which I don't understand but it sounds sketchy enough for me to take action and move my blog away from them) I had to pay someone to fix my site when I broke it trying to make a minor change and then spent the rest of my evening getting back to somewhat like it was before.I know.. I sound like an absolute misery. I kind of have been this week. I haven't been able to shake a low level headache since Tuesday, I think there's something hormonal brewing. I re-listened to Busy Phillips book 'This Will Only Hurt A Little' which always uplifts me with its candour and since it's the 1st tomorrow (AND a Monday) I'm pouring out the very last drops of negativity in to this post to start a new week, a new month and a new season in a more positive place.I've been trying to keep up with my monthly 'goals' and practice the law of attraction (as I mentioned here) but I've let it slide a little so when I sign off I'm going to dig out my planner and list everything I want for the coming month as well as what I'm currently grateful for. It's okay to have a bad day (often these 'big' days can be the worst because you feel like they should be GREAT) so long as you don't let it bleed in to the next.. and the next.I can shake it off and start fresh tomorrow. Who's with me? 


Mental Health Check - Weekly Wind Down 4.1


Changing Room Tales - Zara