Win a Watch With

Win A Storm WatchI know we're all very upset that our long weekend is over but I have two pieces of good news for you.. 1. we have another at the end of the month! YAY! May is the BEST month! 2. I'm working with to bring you this storm watch giveaway!

If you're a regular reader you'll know I'm a big fan of voucher code websites and never buy online without searching a few first. People often mistake my blog name for meaning THRIFTY when in fact I just like a good deal, I don't like to spend more than I have to on ANYTHING and if there's 20% off to be had you'd better believe I'll find it. The problem with a lot of these sites however is the many MANY 'deals' you have to trawl through before you find a real one that will benefit you. Better Vouchers promise that they wont do this, they will only post code that will save you at least £10 or 10% so none of that 'free delivery' or '30% off selected items' rubbish, just useful vouchers that work. There's only one thing more valuable than money and that's time (however you choose to spend it) and better vouchers are saving you both - WIN! They don't even leave up the old, expired codes so at first glance it might seem as though they don't really have all that much but in reality they're only posting what is relevant RIGHT NOW which for a frequent online couponer like me is a huge breath of fresh air!

So on to the giveaway part of the post.. that's what you're all here for after all. It's super simple to enter, fill in the below survey which better vouchers have put together in order to improve their service. I've done it and can tell you there are 3 questions, you then enter your email and accept their T&Cs (scroll down for those) and you're done - so don't be put off.. it's not a 20 minute thing!