I am completely obsessed with this heatless hair doodad I bough on Amazon. I’ve never really bought in ti the fad until now because I think they look stupid and I don’t loev the idea of something regularly disturbing my sleep for the sake of a hairstyle but THIS is so easy to use, entirely comfortable to sleep in and not that mad to look at. I’d actually wear it OUT of the house. Can’t recommend it enough - in fact I filmed a tutorial, in case you want to see it in action.


If you saw that video, you’ll know how badly I slept on Monday night. I don’t know what it was but I was wide awake.. so I got ahead on some Holiday shopping. I mentioned in previous posts that I’m trying to streamline my style this year and get back in to the habit of DRESSING again (maybe actually this has never been a thing.. so START a habit would be more realistic) and I took my sleepless night as a good time to surf pinterest and place an ASOS order. I’ll share when everything arrives but online shopping is TIME CONSUMING so I’m going to say that’s something tickes off my list.


Have you seen her documentary yet? I’m not sure what the deal is with JLO but people seem to HATE her.. I don’t get it. I really love her love story with Ben Affleck, it’s a millenial dream to be taking back to 2002 like that and the press obsessively making him out to be some down trodden husband is not it. Anyway, I’d seen some buzz about her movie component to the new album, ‘This is Me, Now’ and the general vibe was ‘what is she thinking??’ until the documentary was released at opinions seemed to shift. In a nutshell, she created (self funded) a long form music video with a narrative element about her autobiographical album and she made a documentary while shooting it. I had no idea she hadn’t made an album since This is Me, Now but after watching the doc I was even more in love with THEIR love and I also really enjoyed the movie. It’s a different kind of media so there will always be detractors but I think the documentary is really worth watching regardless. Both are on Prime.


Back to hair - kind of - my lovely hairdresser (Mr Tony in Doncaster) messaged the other day asking if I could drop off some product because her clients had been asking about the melts she was talking about. If you have any understanding of small business AT ALL you will appreciate this gesture but even if not, it’s completely without value to her to help us at all and so I wasn’t quick to taje her up when she previously suggested it but we would be stupid to say no. I wanted to share just as a reminder than there are still people who do nice thing just to do the nice things. Not a lot.. but they’re out there


5 Product Face


PARENTHOOD - a tough sell