Happy Flu Year

My 2019 fresh start was somewhat delayed this year thanks to a lovely virus going round that may or may not be the flu. I say this because using the f word online insights the strongest of responses. Some say you're incapable of leaving the bedroom, others say they worked through it for weeks before realising it wasn't just a cold. Regardless, everyone wants to tell you you don't have it so consider this a warning - when you're feeling miserable, don't vent online unless you want to be told you're 'not that ill'I write this from my sofa bed (we put a duvet down here last month and I never want to put it back in the airing cupboard) and hoping to be well enough for work tomorrow. I had so many plans for my last few days off, I was going to get ahead of my blogging/YouTube stuff and start the new year uber organised but instead, well.. here we are.I did post a couple of videos this week (thanks to a productive New Years Eve) - one of which I'll be blogging more about because I think it's going to be a recurring theme this year. And I got some final bits done for my book (hopefully it's DONE now - it never seems to be done) including a total cover change just in time for publication next month, so it hasn't felt completely wasted but I'm sick of being sick at this point.I'll be back with some happy, shiny, sparkly content next week (as per my 'resolutions') but in the meantime, if you're looking for a little New Years inspiration, check out my video on Law Of Attraction and why I'm working the program this year



Pink Power Suit - The Grace & Frankie Effect


Don't Trade Authenticity For Approval