MAC - Hue #30in30

MAC HUEI'm really in to the darker '90s nude' trend but I've never really done the NUDE nude lip so I thought I'd give it a whirl, and you know what? I didn't hate it!MAC HUEHue was a blogger favourite for the longest time, which is probably what inspired my purchase but I've barely worn it, and since I'm about to finish up my lipstick declutter series with my MAC collection I thought I'd take some of my lesser worn shades for a whirl. Actually, Whirl is one of them!MAC HUEI haven't wanted to layer a lip liner with any of the lip colours this month since I want to test the lipstick on its own for these posts but I think I could actually get a lot of use from this with the right liner. I was surprised that it didn't totally wash me out and worn alone it's sheer enough to be a really easy on the go lip colour. It wore pretty quickly (this 'after' is an hour later) but evenly and it's one of the only lipsticks in this 'Glaze' finish that I actually like. The darker colours can look a little patchy but since it's so close to my natural lip colour it's much easier to wear.MAC HUETwo very enthusiastic thumbs up!BUY ONLINE HERE


Makeup Revolution - Head Turner #30in30


Maybelline Matte Ink - Lover #30in30