OMG! We Bought A House!


So the house is as good as ours (she says still slightly nervous it could all fall through) and this Thursday all being well we will collect the keys to our new home!! We went for our walk-through yesterday to check all the last details and learn how to use the oven (a meeting I initially scoffed at but which was actually super useful) and it's all starting to feel real now. We spent a small fortune in IKEA today picking up all the storage for the new place.. it's A LOT, not looking forward to building the wardrobes AT ALL but I feel like we have everything we should initially need. Since we're buying the place with my parents (more on this later) we're condensing two houses in to one and space will be scarce all round so  smart storage is essential. I will share what we've chosen once we're in but it's mostly made up of the ever-versatile KALLAX (used to be EXPEDIT) and the dream wardrobe system that is PAX. I'm also hoping to move my Christmas tree as is.. but that might be ambitious, huh?

Although moving so close to Christmas is not ideal I'm starting to get excited since I've been so cautious to believe it's going through throughout the process. Last time we moved I felt pretty settled within 48 hours so I'm confident I can at least pull the living room together in a day but I will be back with an update by the end of the week.. a no doubt absolutely exhausted update!

Wish us luck!


Christmas Markets


Two Tone Nails