The Drunk Dress

Right now I should be finishing the epic Vegas blog post I've been working on for weeks but instead I decided to open up a fresh one and share some drunken outfit shots we took at Kim's wedding on Sunday. There came a point in the evening when I turned to my friend (and frequent photog) Charl and gasped 'I forgot to take pictures of this dress!' ..true to form she did not panic and we got these absolute gems.  It was sent to me from Tobi, an American site that recently started shipping to the UK (with no shipping OR customs fees!!) and is relatively inexpensive. The items are a little steep at RRP but whenever I've visted there have been substantial discounts and the main thing to note is that it's QUALITY STUFF! I received some swimwear along with this (we'll chat about that in another post) and everything came in branded zip lock bags! The dress, specifically I was nervous to receive because I thought it could be very thin and not really wedding-guest-appropriate but it had a thick lining and some serious weight to it.I was warned that the shipping would not be quick but everything arrived within a week. I'm about to go on my very first cruise next week and I'm absolutely kicking myself that I didn't plan ahead and order some outfits to take with me. I've been panic buying like a crazy woman in the past 2 days and when I went online to link to the dress for this post there are SO many items that would have fit the bill that I haven't found elsewhere. Long story short, I was sent this dress and I'm very drunk in the pictures but it's good stuff and I would 100% recommend the site!Shop online here 


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