The Easiest Fake Tan Ever?

I've been at the tan reviews again on YouTube and last month I tested one that I can't stop thinking about! I am not a self tan person, the whole thing is messy and time consuming and so the only reason I'm testing them out is for these noob reviews on my channel.

The idea is, if someone who doesn't tan can make this work, it must be pretty good! I kicked off the 2020 tanning series with one I actually bought at the end of last year and never got around to filming. Having had a less than positive experience with a clear tan from Isle Of Paradise - see here - I wasn't deseperate to try another but I thought it would be safe in February since I could always cover up if it went really wrong.

The St Tropez Water Gel has a nice tropical scent (there isn't a tan in existance that is effective without that smell so don't believe these claims) while applying, isn't super easy to see (clear) but I felt like I'd done what I could. I stood for 5-10 mins while it 'dried' then threw on my baggy tanning onesie and hung around the house for 4 hours waiting for it to develop.

It wasn't super dark but definitely developed a little further once I washed it off and I was really happy with the colour. Very natural, couldn't find any streaks, perfect of my elbows, knees, around the hands etc etc.. almost too easy, honestly.

I expected that perhaps it would wear away in an ugly fashion to compensate for the great initial impression but IT DIDN'T! It wore evenly for 5-6 days before starting to fade properly and it was SO easy that I almost put it back on - UNHEARD OF!

Now, I have more to try before summer hits so I can't revisit just yet but since I've sworn off sunbathing (enough is enough) I've decided to give faking it a go when the warmer weather eventually arrives and I am 99% sure this will be my tan of choice.

  • pleasant application scent
  • no streaking/uneven areas
  • no transfer of my white bedding
  • even wear/fade
  • quick to absorb
  • quick to develop

It did have that tell tale tan smell occasionally (I find it's usually when I'm sweaty so sorry fellow gym-goers) but it was very light compared to others I've worn so although they can't irradicate it, I think they did a pretty good job of minimising, if that's something you look for.

Overall, 10/10 - and I am very hard to please in this area!


#ProjectPan - SKINCARE


Pixi Vitamin C Serum