After the lull of last week, this week had so much to point to as a reason for gratitude.


We threw a going away party for our friend Molly this weekend and I knocked together a DIY photo booth that will live in infamy as my best DIY party idea. I’ve done them on a smaller scale before but this time I hung paper tableclothes from the ceiling to create an enclosure and.. well.. I was pleased with the result. I selfie station is a great way to commemorate an event but just so so much fun - 10/10 recommend and it’s VERY low cost


Molly is getting married tomorrow and moving to Hong Kong at the end of the week. It’s a HUGE life change but I’m so excited for her. We stayed up til 3am chatting, watching the last Michael episdoes of the office (crying) and looking at flights so I could come and visit. It feels like it’s all happening at once and it’s hard not to think about your own life and how you really never know how it will play out. There are so many forks in our journeys that lead us to different opportunities, isn’t that thrilling? We plan and God laughs and all that..


Quite the opposite of what I’d originally intended for 2024 (a no buy) I’ve been on a bit of a spree recently but it’s sparked something in me that’s given me an excitement for the beauty community again. It’s so hard to seperate it from the epic over-consumption we see these days but it’s possible to maintain an interest without falling back in to the need to collect one of every shade in my favourite lipstick.


Two things, I’ve been trying new skincare but I’ve also been very consistent with my IPL for facial hair this past 2 weeks and I have seen an improvement in both. I’ve been reading about other uses for IPL and apparently it can help with tone and scarring so perhaps that’s part of the improvement? Either way my skin hasn’t looked so good in a long time. I’ve also been trying to use my red light mask once a day - though haven’t been as dilligent with my microcurrent. I have been considering micro needling for texture and fine lines (I’m committed to no injectables) so if you’ve tried that, let me know how you got on with it?


Not really a WIN win but a favourite this week has been Gossip Girl. I’ve tried to rewatch it over the past few years but couldn’t get back in to it. This time I started midway through the first season and I’m DEEP in to the upper east side drama once again. It’s a great New York inspo sho before a trip but truly - weren’t Jenny and Dan the worst? I always though Serena was but Jenny Humphrey’s hissy fits over not being able to leave school and be a 14 year old fashion designer make me want to throw a martini at her. Not to mention they literally live on that street in Dumbo everyone takes photos of and never stop compaining about how poor they are. Ugh. I might be hate watching at this point but I love Blair and Chuck


PARENTHOOD - a tough sell
