Who Gives You Extra?

NEW YORK SATC CARRIES STOOP FUR COATI've wanted to post these pictures for months but they didn't seem particularly festive so here we are in the New Year. They were taken on our last day in New York back in November and I'm wearing my travelling clothes and largest coat.. because it wouldn't fit in my case. It ended up being the most 'extra' (I believe that's what the kids are saying now?) outfit ever for a visit to Carrie's stoop. What could be more appropriate?Also.. I'm really hoping some of you recognise the title reference and it's not just me. NEW LOOKNEW LOOKNEW YORK SATC CARRIES STOOP FUR COATAt home I feel beyond conspicuous in this coat but I felt entirely 'normal' in this get up in the big apple. I was actually so cold on the plane ride home I ended up wearing it for the entire flight. Between the last day of wandering, the travel, the hanging out in King's Cross and the train home I probably wore it for a solid 2 days and I have to say, we bonded. I would now happily pop this on for the school run. Okay. maybe not the school run but I think whatever it was that made me feel awkward was broken in during this extended period of wear and let's just say, we are now very close.NEW YORK SATC CARRIES STOOP FUR COATI realised that I never actually blogged my girls trip to NY.. I may do a little 'photo diary' and highlight some things we did/saw that were new to me but if you're interested in general info/tips I have a Top 10 Things To Do in NYC post here. I also have a couple of vlogs I put together of our long weekend if you want to take a peek..


Why I Love Self Help


Best 17 of 2017