If ever there was a week for this post! I think there’s something about January because I was feeling great.. til I wasn’t. Conflict, worry, unresolved resentments and a general low mood has had me in somewhat of a choke hold lately and I’m really ready for a brighter day!

Isn’t it crazy how quickly your mood can change?

So, because gratitude is a good step on the road back to feeling good, I’m going to list the few wins I had BECAUSE THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS EXERCISE!


I did 2 out of the house work days this week and I feel like working from the office is already starting to feel normal again. I fought it for so long, not really even because it’s convenient - I drive past my office to do the school run!! I just became too comfortable at home and didn’t want to leave that bubble. I poured some candles and made my online content on my Monday/Tuesday ‘off’ and did my day job in a new way Wed-Fri and it’s starting to feel like a positive shift in my week to week life.


As a small business owner, the contrast in sales between December and January can make you feel like everything you were building is going away. Logically, of course you know it’s to be expected but when you’re already struggling to stay positive.. logic doesn’t always win. Thankfully we had a bit of an uptick this week and it boosted our morale. I honestly can’t believe how successful we have been in such a short time so I think I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I need to have more confidence in what we’ve created because the repeat custom isn’t for nothing!


I have consistently been dressed and ‘put together’ every day and I’ve been cooking and had far less food waste BUT I’ve been rubbish at moving my body. My back/neck pain has really kicked up - this is where I wonder whether the pain is caused by the stress or the stress is caused by the pain. Rather than take that as a sign I need get walking and do my stretches, I lay down with my heat pad and wallowed a bit too much. I don’t feel better for it and moving would almost certainly have helped with my mood too but I succumbed last week. One of the biggest parts of my 2024 goals was not to give up when I missed a few days and so I’m taking what I would have felt was a failure as a WIN because this week I will try again. I’m going to try and get in my 8000 steps and daily stretching and in next weeks post I just want to tell you I did better than the week before.

There might be more but I really didn’t feel very WIN-y this week. I have to take some responsibility for that because I do believe we have the power to change our attitude and reaction to what is happening around us and I let myself feel sad. I let myself be grumpy with people and extend silences longer than I needed to. Am I punishing them or me? I don’t know. It’s been a rough one with a lot of tears but there are always positives if you want to look for them and I’m going to try not to take that in to this week


